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Arctic Ordeal: The Journal of John Richardson, Surgeon-Naturalist with Franklin, 1820-1822
by Stuart Houston
Binding: Paperback
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Results Arctic Ordeal: The Journal of John Richardson, Surgeon-Naturalist with Franklin, 1820-1822
Arctic Ordeal The Journal of John Richardson Surgeon Arctic Ordeal The Journal of John Richardson SurgeonNaturalist with Franklin 18201822 Stuart Houston on FREE shipping on qualifying offers In addition to his achievements as a doctor meteorologist and cartographer Richardson was the first great naturalist to study the North American Arctic His journal made such an outstanding contribution to ornithology Arctic Ordeal The Journal of John Richardson Surgeon In addition to his achievements as a doctor meteorologist and cartographer Richardson was the first great naturalist to study the North American Arctic His journal made such an outstanding contribution to ornithology ichthyology botany and geology that much of modern Arctic research is founded upon his observations JOHN RICHARDSON Arctic Ordeal The Journal of John Arctic Ordealis one ofa smallbut steadilyincreasingnumber oftranscriptions ofpreviouslyunpublishedjournalsand diaries It is drawn from one ofthejournals ofArctic explorationofSir John Richardsonwhich togetherwith other books and manuscripts includinghis own corrected copiesofhis publications was sold to the Universityof Illinois in 1966 Arctic Ordeal the Journal of John Richardson Surgeon Get this from a library Arctic Ordeal the Journal of John Richardson SurgeonNaturalist with Franklin 18201822 C Houston H Albert Hochbaum Arctic ordeal the journal of John Richardson surgeon Get this from a library Arctic ordeal the journal of John Richardson surgeonnaturalist with Franklin 18201822 John Richardson Sir C Stuart Houston Appendices A to D detail bird mammal fish and plant observations of John Richardson Appendix E John Richardsons contribution to lichenology solution of a 160 year old puzzle by John W Thomson Arctic ordeal the journal of John Richardson surgeon Arctic ordeal the journal of John Richardson surgeonnaturalist with Franklin 18201822 edited by C Stuart Houston illustrated by H Albert Hochbaum appendixes by John W Thomson lichenology and Walter O Kupsch Geology foreword by W Gillies Ross Project MUSE Arctic Ordeal The Journal of John Arctic Ordeal The Journal of John Richardson SurgeonNaturalist with Franklin 1820–1822 ed by Stuart Houston review John Warkentin andhebecame theoutstanding authority of histime on the natural historyof the presentmembers of Richardsons profession C Stuart Houstonand RobertJohnsonof the universities ofSaskatchewan Arctic Ordeal McGillQueen’s University Press He is the author of numerous books including To the Arctic by Canoe 18191821 The Journal and Paintings of Robert Hood Arctic Ordeal The Journal of John Richardson SurgeonNaturalist with Franklin 18201822 and Arctic Artist The Journal and Paintings of George Back Midshipman with Franklin 18191822 Arctic Ordeal The Journal of John Richardson Surgeon The University of Chicago Press Books Division Chicago Distribution Center JOHN RICHARDSON Arctic Ordeal The Journal of John Advanced Customer Services Log In Register